Aubrey Burton/Reg Ford Memorial Scholarship Application

CUPE BC offers the Aubrey Burton/Reg Ford Memorial Scholarship annually to CUPE members, their spouses or their children. Four scholarships valued at $500 each are awarded to students entering their first year of Post-Secondary education.

The scholarship was created in honour of two CUPE activists:

  1. Parent, Guardian or Spouse of Applicant, or the Applicant her/himself must be a member in good standing of a CUPE Local affiliated to CUPE BC at the time of application.

  2. Applicant must have completed Grade 12 in the current or previous calendar year, or the applicant must be a mature student who has not previously enrolled at a Post-Secondary Institution.

  3. Applicant must be entering first year of a recognized public post-secondary institution in BC. A copy of the acceptance letter from the admitting institution must be supplied.

  4. Applicant must complete an online application form supported by copies of the Senior Secondary Statement and Letter(s) of Reference from a School Principal or Counsellor.
  1. One attending a public University (applicant with the highest GPA).

  2. One attending a public Community College (applicant with the highest GPA).

  3. One attending a public trades or technical institution (applicant with the highest GPA).

  4. One based on a “lottery draw” of all applications.

DEADLINE: All applications and accompanying documents must be submitted by Thursday, July 31, 2025